Saturday, May 24, 2008

This is my mom

Went out but forgot my fucking camera

So i pulled some pics off the interweb to inform all the people that dont care

First i went here to put a deposit down to get an appointment for my next tattoo (my brothers face on the inside of my arm) Its immortal images on monroe road 
Oh yeah when i went there someone called the shop and asked if they did tattoos there, what the fuck?

Then i went to a bar in belmont to eat 20 of these, on the way there, there was this fat ass bitch walking in the slow lane on wilkinson towards traffic with a baby in a stroller wearing a winni the pooh shirt. (fuck i wish i had my camera) there was no shoulder either, cars had to swerve quick to miss her and her baby as she walked toward them. it was the most white trash thing i have seen since moving down south
And drank 2 of these
now i will drink more of these for the rest of the night

need thick fake blood and makeup to match skin

Testing out some stuff for a zombie bite to see what it looks like. me and my bro are makin a short zombie film this summer for a contest
just messing around with the latex and other stuff, but i will get some makeup to match the latex to the skin and some fake blood to fill in and around when we do it in filming
Just a first test, now i must drink budweiser