Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SLAMMER = the greatest magazine ever created

Ok, someone had this at work and its the best thing i have ever seen.  Its a magazine with all the mug shots of these hics in these counties that got arrested this past week.  There are so many famous people in here (p.s. my hand looks like it has been taking steroids or something)
This is SCARFACE, and he made the cover, you may know him from his movie in the 80's
Coolio is doing his thing (this guy has the best hair i have ever seen)
I call him handsome jack (he is in for dwi, but it looks like it should be for touching a 12 year old penis)
The Hardy Boys
And i just call her beautiful 
This shit is great, it is all broken up into different sections for all the different crimes and there is a section for people that smiled and stuff like that.  This is for the hot hot hot crimes, some bad boys and girls here.
And it is just pages and pages of this, i was laughing so hard cause there was so many awesome people
I am going to find out where this was purchased and start collecting them, SLAMMER for life

working that night shift bitch

I usually just drive around big ass forklifts, its kinda cool i guess
This bitch weights like 16,000 pounds and can lift 2 cars at once
While most people put their work clothes on to go to work, i go ahead and put my grown man on

I am getting fat

Fat ass mother fucker, even though its an old pic from when i ate a whole pizza
Today i had for lunch at work
-pack of peanut butter crackers
-pack of fig newtons
-medium order of fries
-4 cheeseburgers
-bag of munchos chips
-3 musketeers bar