Saturday, June 14, 2008

I want a fucking harley, it is going to happen soon too

John wants to get one as well, so we went to carolina harley today to talk to a salesman and get a general idea on how it will go down, and getting a license and what not. and to sit on some bikes to see how they fit.

There was some kind of party going down toooooooo

They had a bunch of sick Nightsters, below is the black and flat olive one. I am only getting an all black bike, but they didnt have the sportster low 883 i wanted. But i heard sportsters were super little, but after seeing them today i thought they were a perfect sized bike. the guy said i was too tall, but i will make it work with extended pegs and some 14" ape hangers. Shit will be like a bobber
The dealer was pretty much just telling me and john we could score white trash bitches without even trying, it kinda made me not want one, those bitches out there were gross as fuck.

Some cool bikes were out in the parking lot. The guy said they take car trade ins which is good, cause as soon as harley or carmax or whoever gives me what i want for my car, then i am getting a bike asap

It starting raining like hell, and all the bikers were fucked, check this video i took from my digital cam of it coming down

I saw this bitch at a stop light, its fucking johnnnnnnnnnnnnn, bitch was doing tre flips like they were nothing in the lot before we left. And he had the sickest shirt from the Emerica Wild Ride when he went camping with the Emerica team this week. comfy shirt too

I am pretty much going to have this exact same bike, but with bigger ape hanger handle bars and extended foot pegs since i am a tall fuck. This is the sportster 883 low

i invented these

Then i ate them today for breakfast!!!!!!!!