Friday, May 23, 2008

The last 5 minutes of my life were awesome

First i opened this budweiser on my deck and began to drink it

Then i walked up my driveway to get the mail, and i got the george romero film MARTIN which i was hoping would come today

Looked up to see that my brother got a off the hook head transplant

Then my expecting oven gave birth to these precious twins

Just kidding it was an abortion and i ate those fucking fetuses 

daily music

nine inch nails - wish
Amazing stuff, i love me some nin especially the old stuff like this. i remember having the broken album like 12 years ago

I have not cleaned my room since August

Whoops a daisy
and thats just the one half

Christopher gay

my brothers name is christopher and he is gay as fuck, so i googled christopher gay and these are what came up. I think they are all him

reppin UNCC

What the fuck is up with the music though