Its my car, and it has been a love hate relationship for the past 3 years +, but all in all some good times.
So i have had it for over three years now and would rather not trade it in, because its my car, i saved up thousands of dollars for a down payment and i have been making payments on it for over 3 years now. But as we all have been feeling it, the economy blows and i dont have a good job right now. I really want to move out and i really want to move out of charlotte, since i am not from here and have zero attachment to this area at all. Just the 2 years of college were spent in charlotte. So trading this in would be the most realistic way to get going in life and get out and do stuff and not be tied down financially. But thanks my car, you got me to school everyday for the past 2 1/2 years, with only 1 or 2 flat tires and never breaking down, and you also got me back and forth to new jersey numerous times. you have been good to me, and i have been good to you. i bought you new shoes, which look really cute on you, and took you to some amazing places and did some amazing things in you. WORD
But i think i am going to trade it in for one of these, a FUCKING HARLEY, fuck yessssssss. Drop my payments from $375 a month on the bmw to about $150 a month, and take my fuel economy up to 60mpg. I will have extra money to move out and hopefully i will get to see the country on this thing, traveling while i am still young and single is my number one goal right now.
And as you can see i am obsessed with black vehicles. car now is black with black rims, and i want an all black bike. Black on black on black like i'm riding on death